Gene Symbol EME1
Entrez Gene 146956
Alt Symbol MMS4L, SLX2A
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description essential meiotic structure-specific endonuclease 1
Other Description MMS4 homolog|SLX2 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog A|crossover junction endonuclease EME1|essential meiotic endonuclease 1 homolog 1|essential meiotic endonuclease 1 homolog 2|hMMS4|homolog of yeast EME1 endonuclease
Swissprots Q96N62 Q96AY2
Accessions EAW94617 EAW94618 EAW94619 EAW94620 EAW94621 Q96AY2 AK021607 AK055926 BAB71047 AK308275 BC016470 AAH16470 DA006645 DB245967 DQ578819 JF432239 ADZ15456 XM_005257081 XP_005257138 XM_011524392 XP_011522694 XM_011524393 XP_011522695 XM_011524394 XP_011522696 XM_011524395 XP_011522697 XM_011524396 XP_011522698 XR_934390 XR_934392 XR_934393 NM_001166131 NP_001159603 NM_152463 NP_689676
Function Interacts with MUS81 to form a DNA structure-specific endonuclease with substrate preference for branched DNA structures with a 5'-end at the branch nick. Typical substrates include 3'- flap structures, replication forks and nicked Holliday junctions. May be required in mitosis for the processing of stalled or collapsed replication forks. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12686547, ECO:0000269|PubMed:12721304, ECO:0000269|PubMed:14617801, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17289582}.
Subcellular Location Nucleus, nucleolus {ECO:0000269|PubMed:14617801}. Note=Recruited to regions of DNA damage in S-phase cells.
Top Pathways Homologous recombination, Fanconi anemia pathway

Eme1 CRISPR/Cas9 KO Plasmid (h) - sc-403404 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category CRISPR
Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 HDR Plasmid (h) - sc-403404-HDR from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 Double Nickase Plasmid (h) - sc-403404-NIC from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 Double Nickase Plasmid (h2) - sc-403404-NIC-2 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 CRISPR Activation Plasmid (h) - sc-403404-ACT from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category CRISPR
Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 CRISPR Activation Plasmid (h2) - sc-403404-ACT-2 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category CRISPR
Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 Lentiviral Activation Particles (h) - sc-403404-LAC from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 Lentiviral Activation Particles (h2) - sc-403404-LAC-2 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $345.00
Sizes 20 µg
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 siRNA (h) - sc-72080 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category siRNA
Prices $258.00
Sizes 10 µm
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 shRNA Plasmid (h) - sc-72080-SH from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category siRNA
Prices $258.00
Sizes 10 µm
Species Reactivities Human

Eme1 shRNA (h) Lentiviral Particles - sc-72080-V from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Category siRNA
Prices $258.00
Sizes 10 µm
Species Reactivities Human

EME1 RNAi - H00146956-R02 from Novus Biologicals

Category siRNA
Prices $399.00
Sizes 20 nmol
Species Reactivities Human

CompoZr® Knockout ZFN Kit - CKOZFN1392 from Sigma-Aldrich

Category ZFN Kit
Prices $4,999.00
Sizes 1 kt

CompoZr® Knockout ZFN Kit - CKOZFN1391 from Sigma-Aldrich

Category ZFN Kit
Prices $4,999.00
Sizes 1 kt

CompoZr® Knockout ZFN Kit, ZFN plasmid only - CKOZFND1392 from Sigma-Aldrich

Category ZFN Kit
Prices $4,120.00
Sizes 1 kt

CompoZr® Knockout ZFN Kit, ZFN plasmid only - CKOZFND1391 from Sigma-Aldrich

Category ZFN Kit
Prices $3,999.00
Sizes 1 kt

MISSION® 3′UTR Lenti GoClone™ - HUTR04209 from Sigma-Aldrich

Category miRNA
Prices $350.00
Sizes hutr04209

EME1 siRNA (Human) - CRJ5504 from Cohesion Biosciences

Category siRNA
Prices $340.00, $510.00
Sizes 15 nmol, 30 nmol
Species Reactivities Human

EME1 - MBS8214669 from MyBioSource

Prices $365.00, $515.00
Sizes 15 nmol, 30 nmol
Species Reactivities Human

shRNA set against Human EME1 (NM_152463.2) - SHH285413 from Creative biogene

Category siRNA
Species Reactivities Human

Human EME1 siRNA - orb276005 from Biorbyt

Category siRNA
Prices $485.00, $629.00
Sizes 15 nmol, 30 nmol
Species Reactivities Human

EME1 shRNA Plasmid (Human) - CHJ5504 from Cohesion Biosciences

Category siRNA
Prices $500.00, $750.00
Sizes 150 µg, 300 µg
Species Reactivities Human

EME1 miRNA 3'UTR clone - MiUTR3H-11531 from Creative biogene

Species Reactivities Human

EME1 miRNA 3'UTR clone - MiUTR3H-11532 from Creative biogene

Species Reactivities Human
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