Gene Symbol KNG1
Entrez Gene 3827
Alt Symbol BDK, BK, KNG
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description kininogen 1
Other Description HMWK|alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor|bradykinin|fitzgerald factor|high molecular weight kininogen|kininogen-1|williams-Fitzgerald-Flaujeac factor
Swissprots B2RCR2 Q6PAU9 A8K474 Q53EQ0 P01042 P01043 C9JEX1 Q7M4P1
Accessions AAB59550 AAB59551 AAO61092 CBN73461 EAW78179 EAW78180 EAW78181 P01042 AI133186 AK223589 BAD97309 AK290839 BAF83528 AK298440 BAG60660 AK303768 BAG64734 AK315230 BAG37659 BC026253 AAH26253 BC060039 AAH60039 BG430928 CB148843 CD014130 DA537547 DC362362 K02566 AAA35497 NM_000893 NP_000884 NM_001102416 NP_001095886 NM_001166451 NP_001159923
Function (1) Kininogens are inhibitors of thiol proteases; (2) HMW-kininogen plays an important role in blood coagulation by helping to position optimally prekallikrein and factor XI next to factor XII; (3) HMW-kininogen inhibits the thrombin- and plasmin- induced aggregation of thrombocytes; (4) the active peptide bradykinin that is released from HMW-kininogen shows a variety of physiological effects: (4A) influence in smooth muscle contraction, (4B) induction of hypotension, (4C) natriuresis and diuresis, (4D) decrease in blood glucose level, (4E) it is a mediator of inflammation and causes (4E1) increase in vascular permeability, (4E2) stimulation of nociceptors (4E3) release of other mediators of inflammation (e.g. prostaglandins), (4F) it has a cardioprotective effect (directly via bradykinin action, indirectly via endothelium-derived relaxing factor action); (5) LMW-kininogen inhibits the aggregation of thrombocytes; (6) LMW- kininogen is in contrast to HMW-kininogen not involved in blood
Subcellular Location Secreted, extracellular space.
Tissue Specificity Secreted in plasma. T-kinin is detected in malignant ovarian, colon and breast carcinomas, but not in benign tumors. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:2076202}.
Top Pathways Complement and coagulation cascades

Human KNG1 gene - orb91108 from Biorbyt

Prices $255.00
Sizes 10 μg
Species Human

KNG1 - MBS1275032 from MyBioSource

Prices $175.00
Sizes 10ug plasmid + 200ul glycerol stock
Species Human
Accession BC060039

Human KNG1 cDNA clone(NM_001166451.1) - CDFH010055 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_001166451.1

Human KNG1 ORF clone(NM_001102416.2) - CDCL185073 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_001102416.2

Human KNG1 ORF Clone(NM_001166451.1) - CDCR355385 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_001166451.1

Human KNG1 ORF Clone(NM_000893.3) - CDCL168276 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_000893.3

Human KNG1 ORF clone(NM_001102416.2) - CDCL185073 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human KNG1 ORF clone (NM_001166451.1) - CDCL125267 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human KNG1 ORF Clone (BC060039) - CDCS405979 from Creative biogene

Species Human
Accession P01042

Human KNG1 cDNA Clone(NM_001166451.1) - CDFH010055 from Creative biogene

Species Human
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