APITD1 Overexpression Lysate



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APITD1 Overexpression Lysate Summary

The lysate was created in HEK293T cells, using plasmid ID RC222556 and based on accession number NM_199295. The protein contains a C-terminal DDK tag.
C-terminal Myc/DDK
Homo sapiens apoptosis-inducing, TAF9-like domain 1 (APITD1), transcript variant B, mRNA.


  • Western Blot
Application Notes
This product is intended for use as a positive control in Western Blot.

You will receive 1 vial of lysate (100ug), 1 vial of empty vector negative control (100ug), and 1 vial of 2xSDS sample buffer (250ul).
Theoretical MW
11.1 kDa.
Disclaimer note: The observed molecular weight of the protein may vary from the listed predicted molecular weight due to post translational modifications, post translation cleavages, relative charges, and other experimental factors.

Packaging, Storage & Formulations

Store at -80C. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
RIPA buffer

Lysate Details for Array



HEK293T cells in 10-cm dishes were transiently transfected with a non-lipid polymer transfection reagent specially designed and manufactured for large volume DNA transfection. Transfected cells were cultured for 48hrs before collection. The cells were lysed in modified RIPA buffer (25mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 1mM EDTA, 1xProteinase inhibitor cocktail mix, 1mM PMSF and 1mM Na3VO4, and then centrifuged to clarify the lysate. Protein concentration was measured by BCA protein assay kit.This product is manufactured by and sold under license from OriGene Technologies and its use is limited solely for research purposes.

Alternate Names for APITD1 Overexpression Lysate

  • Apoptosis-inducing TAF9-like domain-containing protein 1
  • apoptosis-inducing, TAF9-like domain 1
  • CENP-SMGC32686
  • CENPSMHF1centromere protein S
  • FAAP16
  • FANCM-interacting histone fold protein 1
  • Fanconi anemia-associated polypeptide of 16 kDa


This gene was identified in the neuroblastoma tumour suppressor candidate region on chromosome 1p36. It contains a TFIID-31 domain, similar to that found in TATA box-binding protein-associated factor, TAF(II)31, which is required for p53-mediated transcription activation. This gene was expressed at very low levels in neuroblastoma tumours, and was shown to reduce cell growth in neuroblastoma cells, suggesting that it may have a role in a cell death pathway. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants. Transcript Variant: This variant (B) differs in the 5' UTR, 3' UTR, and coding region, compared to variant C. The resulting isoform (B) is shorter at the N-terminus and contains a distinct C-terminus, compared to isoform C.


This product is for research use only and is not approved for use in humans or in clinical diagnosis. Lysates are guaranteed for 6 months from date of receipt.

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Gene Symbol CENPS