Chromatin was prepared from HeLa cells following Abcam's X-ChIP protocol. Cells were fixed with formaldehyde for 10 minutes. ChIP was performed with ab8580 (Histone H3 tri-methyl K4) using ab117138. No antibody was added to the blank (yellow). The immunoprecipitated DNA was quantified by real time PCR (Taqman approach). Primes and probes are located in the first Kb of the transcribed region.
The analysis of enrichment of RNA polymerase II in GAPDH and MLH1 promoters by Abcam's ChIP Kit - One Step, with chromatin extract prepared from formaldehyde fixed colon cancer cells. Captured DNA was used for analyzing levels of RNA polymerase II enriched in the GAPDH and MLH1 promoters.