All lanes : Anti-BFAR antibody (ab47127) at 1/1000 dilutionLane 1 : BAR Recombinant protein (RP), 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 2 : Jurkat, 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 3 : Spleen, 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 4 : Lymph Node, 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 5 : Brain, 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 6 : Prostate, 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 7 : Testis, 25 ug of total protein per lane.Lane 8 : Kidney, 25 ug of total protein per lane.

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of tumor and normal human tissues stained for BAR expression using Ab47127 at 1/2000. A. Pancreatic cancer. B. Normal pancreas. C. Esophageal cancer. D. Normal esophagus. Increased expression of BAR was detected in the tumor, compared to normal tissues. Hematoxylin-eosin counterstain."

Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections of normal human brain stained for BAR expression using ab47127 at 1/2000. A, A1: Cerebellum. B, B1: Medulla. A1 and B1 are higher magnifications of A and B, respectively."