CaMKII (M-176): sc-9035. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human breast tumor showing cytoplasmic staining.

CaMKII (M-176): sc-9035. Western blot analysis of CaMKII expression in rat brain extract.

Western blot detection of FADD phosphorylation using A-431 cells. Blots were probed with FADD (H-181): sc-5559 (A) and p-FADD (Ser 194)-R: sc-12439-R (B,C). In B and C, the antibody was preincubated with cognate non-phosphorylated or phosphorylated peptide, respectively.

CaMKII (M-176): sc-9035. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing cytoplasmic localization.

CaMKII (M-176): sc-9035. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human bronchus tissue showing cytoplasmic and nuclear staining of respiratory epithelial cells and glandular cells.