Western blot analysis of extracts of BxPC-3 cells, untreated or EGF-stimulated, using Phospho-EGF Receptor (Tyr1068) (D7A5) XP ® Rabbit mAb (upper) and EGF Receptor Antibody #2232 (lower).

Immunohistochemical analysis using Phospho-EGF Receptor (Tyr1068) (D7A5) XP ® Rabbit mAb on SignalSlide™ Phospho-EGF Receptor IHC Controls #8102 (paraffin-embedded KYSE450 cell pellets, untreated (left) or EGF-treated (right)).

Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded HCC827 xenograft, control (left) or λ phosphatase-treated (right), using Phospho-EGF Receptor (Tyr1068) (D7A5) XP ® Rabbit mAb.

Confocal immunofluorescent analysis of HeLa cells, untreated (left) or EGF-treated (right), using Phospho-EGF Receptor (Tyr1068) (D7A5) XP ® Rabbit mAb (green). Blue pseudocolor = DRAQ5 ® #4084 (fluorescent DNA dye).

Flow cytometric analysis of A549 cells, untreated (blue) or EGF-treated (green), using Phospho-EGF Receptor (Tyr1068) (D7A5) XP ® Rabbit mAb compared to concentration matched XP ® Rabbit (DA1E) mAb IgG Isotype Control #3900 (red).