All lanes : Anti-SMARCC1 antibody (ab126180) at 1/5000 dilutionLane 1 : NT2D1 whole cell lysateLane 2 : IMR32 whole cell lysateLane 3 : U-87 MG whole cell lysateLysates/proteins at 30 µg per lane.

ab126180, at a 1/500 dilution, staining SMARCC1 in paraformaldehyde-fixed HeLa cells by Immunofluorescence (green). Alpha tubulin filaments are stained in red and the nucleus in blue.

ab126180, at 1/500 dilution, staining SMARCC1 in paraffin-embedded Mouse C2C12 xenograft tissue by Immunohistochemistry.

ab126180, at 1/500 dilution, staining SMARCC1 in paraffin-embedded Rat RT2 xenograft tissue by Immunohistochemistry.

ab126180, at 1/500 dilution, staining SMARCC1 in paraffin-embedded Human BT483 xenograft tissue by Immunohistochemistry.