p-Histone cluster 1 H3E (Ser 10): sc-101697. Western blot analysis of phosphorylated Histone cluster 1 H3E expression in untreated (A) and EGF + Calyculin A-treated (B) HeLa whole cell lysates.

p-Histone cluster 1 H3E (Ser 10): sc-101697. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human breast carcinoma tissue showing nuclear localization.

p-Histone cluster 1 H3E (Ser 10): sc-101697. Western blot analysis of Histone cluster 1 H3E phosphorylation in untreated (A), calyculin A treated (B) and calyculin A and lambda protein phosphatase treated (C) HeLa whole cell lystates.

p-Histone cluster 1 H3E (Ser 10): sc-101697. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed A-431 cells showing nuclear localization.