BALB/c bone marrow cells were stained with either rat IgG2b-FITC (as an isotype control) or rat anti-mouse Ly-6G-FITC (ab25024) at a concentration of 1ug/106 cells. Large cells were then gated and analyzed on a flow cytometer.

ab25024 at a 1/100 dilution detecting Ly6g in LPS activated monocytes by Flow Cytometry.Gating strategy was for alive cells.See Abreview

ab25024 at a 1/100 dilution detecting Ly6g (Gr1) in murine blood cells by Flow Cytometry.Gating strategy was for monocytes.See Abreview

ab25024 staining Ly6g in Cynomolgus Monkey whole blood by Flow Cytometry. Red blood cells were lysed in PBS + 1% BSA and 0.01% sodium azide and fixed in paraformaldehyde. The sample was incubated with the primary antibody (1/10 in PBS + 1% BSA and 0.01% sodium azide) for 1 hour at 4°C. Gating Strategy: Live Monocytes.See Abreview

ab25024 detecting Ly6g in rat spleenocytes by Flow Cytometry. Spleen tissue was homogenized and red blood cells were lysed in PBS + 1% BSA and 0.01% sodium azide. The sample was incubated with the primary antibody (1/100 in PBS + 1% BSA and 0.01% sodium azide) for 1 hour at 4°C. Gating Strategy: Live macrophages.See Abreview