ab155539 immunoprecipitating HGS in human hTERT-RPE1 whole cell lysate. Cell lysate from 4000000 cells was incubated with primary antibody (1/500 in triton 1% buffer) for 12 hours at 4°C. Western blotting confirmed successful immunoprecipation. Lower 50kDa band corresponds to IgG.See Abreview

All lanes : Anti-HGS antibody - C-terminal (ab155539) at 1/10000 dilutionLane 1 : H1299 whole cell lysateLane 2 : HeLa whole cell lysateLysates/proteins at 30 µg per lane.

Anti-HGS antibody - C-terminal (ab155539) at 1/1000 dilution + Mouse brain whole cell lysate at 50 µg

Anti-HGS antibody - C-terminal (ab155539) at 1/1000 dilution + Rat brain whole cell lysate at 50 µg

Confocal immunofluorescence analysis of methanol-fixed A431 cells, labeling HGS with ab155539 at 1/200 dilution (green) and Alpha-tubulin filaments (red).

Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded Human colon cancer tissue, labeling HGS with ab155539 at 1/500 dilution.